FCP&K will be participating in the Universal Pre-K Funding Program for the 2025/26 school year. The Colorado State of Education provides funding for 12 hours or 24 hours for all Pre-K students (turning 4 by October 1, 2025 – entering Kindergarten in Fall 2026). The UPK program opens more opportunities to families with Pre-K-aged students.
The Pre-K classes that qualify for funding are M-TH 9:00-12:00, T/TH 9:00-3:00 & M/W 9:00-3:00, M-TH 9:00 – 3:00.
Foothills Christian Preschool & Kindergarten (FCPK)
Our purpose is to honor God and glorify Jesus by encouraging childlike faith that lasts a lifetime. We are dedicated to teaching Christian truths, as taught in the Bible and to serve families as a source of early childhood education, based on Christian principles. We are dedicated to…
- Teaching from a Biblical worldview.
- Elevating our understanding of our creator God who knows and loves each of us individually.
- Affirming a belief in Christ as essential to living and experiencing the fruits of the Spirit.
- We offer full and half-day programs Monday-Thursday 2.5 (years old) – PreK (5 years old).

FCP&K is a licensed entity that falls under Jefferson County jurisdiction. The school will comply with all guidelines and restrictions. Parents of registered children will receive direct communication about details.

6100 S Devinney Way
Littleton, CO 80127
Lower Level of Foothills Bible Church